Collision Insights: Co-Founder's Blog

July 9, 2024
June 25, 2024
2 Minute Read

Key Insights from Collision 2024 Through a Founder's Lens

Hi everyone, Volodymyr Demianenko here, co-founder and CEO of I'm thrilled to share some key takeaways from the recent Collision Conference – an event that truly highlighted the evolving landscape of artificial intelligence in business.

Practical AI Applications Take Center Stage

One clear trend emerged from a variety of sessions, particularly the insightful presentation by the head of AWS at Amazon. The conversation has shifted from broad discussions about AI models to a more focused exploration of their practical applications. We're no longer just talking about large language models (LLMs) – we're figuring out how to orchestrate them, which ones to use for specific tasks, and how to seamlessly integrate them into existing workflows.

This transition is a sign that the market is maturing. Businesses are no longer debating whether to adopt AI; they're actively seeking solutions and custom implementations. As a provider of such services, we're seeing this shift firsthand as companies request tailored AI tools to address their unique needs.

A Surge in Demand for Specific AI Solutions

At Collision, we connected with hundreds of companies in marketing, development, and outsourcing – all reporting a growing demand from their clients for specific AI-powered products and enhancements. This is a significant change. Businesses now recognize the need to adapt, and they're looking at AI to drive that transformation.

To support this demand, Handy’s new update to version 5.0 will provide ready-to-go solutions that will allow businesses to implement AI into their operations quickly and efficiently. Additionaly, we are expanding our partnership program, to provide more collaborative opportunities.

Investment Focuses on Proven Use Cases

Another notable shift is in the investment landscape. Investors are moving away from broad AI investments and focusing on products with well-defined use cases, a proven niche, and a track record of success. The days of "AI for AI's sake" are over. Investors are now seeking practical applications that deliver tangible value for businesses.

This doesn't mean AI is any less important. In fact, it's quite the opposite. AI is becoming a fundamental component of modern products, not a mere differentiator. It's no longer a question of if but how AI will be integrated into every aspect of a business.

In Conclusion

Collision 2024 has reaffirmed my conviction that AI is not just a buzzword; it's a business imperative. The key is to move beyond the hype and focus on practical applications that solve real-world problems. At, we're committed to helping businesses navigate this exciting new era and leverage AI to achieve their full potential.

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