Integration with Jira Service Desk

September 12, 2024
September 12, 2024
Use Cases

Integration with Jira Service Desk

We are pleased to present our new integration with Jira Service Desk, which is now available in the Enterprise version of our product. This integration helps our customers to significantly increase the efficiency of their user service.

Integration with Jira Service Desk through our platform has already proven its effectiveness on the example of Robot UA. The company not only improved the quality of service but also significantly reduced the response time to user requests. This is a great example of how technology can support business development by providing the highest level of customer service.

How it works at Rabota UA

“Rabota UA is a leading job search platform in Ukraine. One of the company's key objectives is to provide prompt and high-quality support to its users. To achieve this, Rabota UA has integrated Jira Service Desk through our platform.

Robot UA users contact the support service through an assistant built on our platform in Telegram and Viber. The assistant promptly receives requests from users and transfers them to Jira Service Desk for further processing. Thanks to the integration of the assistant with Jira through our platform, requests are instantly routed to the appropriate teams, which significantly reduces the time for their consideration and resolution.

The main advantages of integration:

  • Automation and efficiency: Integration with Jira Service Desk allowed Robot UA to automate the processing of routine requests. This allows the support team to focus on more complex tasks that require their attention.
  • Fast problem resolution: Thanks to the new integration, all requests that come through the Handy AI assistant are instantly processed and routed to the correct queues in Jira Service Desk, which significantly reduces response time.
  • Improved transparency: All information about request processing is stored in Jira, which allows the management of Rabota UA to track the effectiveness of the support team and adjust processes in time is a proven no-code platform that puts AI to work for your business.  We streamline all the operation processes including team coordination, customer interactions, and full corporate tech stack integrations.

Integration options:
Microsoft 365, Google Cloud, SAP, Oracle, Salesforce, and others.

Operating in Canada and the US
10 enterprise clients including Fortune 500 companies
0,5 M users

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