Unlock Customer Experience: How to Balance AI and Human Interaction

November 27, 2023
January 8, 2024
5 Minutes Read

In today's business world, AI is taking a significant role in day-to-day operations.

In service-oriented businesses, the balance between efficiency and the human touch is important. The goal of AI is to streamline processes without failing client satisfaction.

However, is it possible to use AI without failing client satisfaction, but improving it?

The good news - Yes! (But it has to be done properly)

A smooth transition is key.

The point is, AI won’t solve 100% of the requests, and depending on the situation connecting a human expert may be required.

It also depends on the type of the business: while VIP hotels thrive on personalised interactions, self-service hotels operate without direct staff engagement.

You will need to find a balance between AI and humans depending on your business. The best way to do it -is to introduce AI in one area and grow it from there.

AI systems learn all the time, meaning after analysing clients’ requests over time, the precision of answers will grow.

But how to use AI and human experts simultaneously?

Here is how:

Define WHEN: Expert assistance is demanded when:a) AI lacks an answer in its database

b) User sentiment shifts to aggression (detectable by modern AI)

c) User requests human intervention

Define WHO: In hotels, roles like wedding, booking, and restaurant managers require specific attention. AI needs to know who to call.

It is accomplished by one of the methods:

a) Contextual: By context, AI determines which department or person to connect

For instance, a request like ”bring two towels to room 209” - triggers the room service department automatically.

b) Manual: If the context is unclear from the message. Then operator is connected and the request is transferred to an appropriate department manually.

Note: AI familiarises itself with different scenarios over time, and remembers what departments were called in each scenario. Gradually, the manual operation will be almost unnecessary or left for extreme cases only.

Define HOW:

Connection methods vary for different roles.

For instance, restaurant orders seamlessly merge into their system.

When routed to support,  the context and previous interactions with the client transfer alongside the request.

Room service receives a clear task and deadline for completion.

Important: The AI also serves as an “ideal manager”. Depersonalising requests, transferring them, and ensuring task completion.

P.S. Interested in a tailored AI solution? Book a free consultation through the 'Request a Demo' button on our main page. Discover how AI can change your business.

Handy.ai is a proven no-code platform that puts AI to work for your business.  We streamline all the operation processes including team coordination, customer interactions, and full corporate tech stack integrations.

Integration options:
Microsoft 365, Google Cloud, SAP, Oracle, Salesforce, and others.

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