AI Assistant for Engagement Transforms Employee Moral

July 9, 2024
February 17, 2024
2 Minute Read
Use Cases

About the Client

Ukrainian Railways or Ukrzaliznytsia (UZ) is the backbone of Ukraine's transportation network. With more than 230,000 workers, UZ is a major player in enabling national freight and passenger transportation.

Problem Statement

Upholding good communication and staff morale was fraught with difficulties for UZ. In addition to lowering high maintenance costs for communication, addressing high turnover rates and a negative employer image, the company aimed to improve morale through improved work conditions, address low satisfaction with corporate communication (38%), and decrease frequent strikes and negative social media presence.

AI Solution introduced Buksa, an AI employee engagement manager for UZ. Buksa is a handy companion for railway workers and reflects the company's individualized attention to its personnel. AI-driven Q&A with a self-learning database for effective question handling, automated question routing and peer-to-peer communication through a knowledge base autoresponder, dashboard-displayed surveys to measure worker satisfaction, and content and media updates based on employee input are some of its primary features.


·     significantly reduced the number of strikes,

·     successfully minimized costly turnover,

·     enhanced employee loyalty by 21%,

·     $370,000 annual savings on communication costs


This case shows how AI significantly impacts communication and staff engagement. Significant cost savings and lower employee turnover were among the direct benefits; increased employee loyalty and morale were among the indirect benefits. The success of this AI implementation emphasizes the importance of industry readiness, which includes having the proper data management procedures and technology infrastructure. is a proven no-code platform that puts AI to work for your business.  We streamline all the operation processes including team coordination, customer interactions, and full corporate tech stack integrations.

Integration options:
Microsoft 365, Google Cloud, SAP, Oracle, Salesforce, and others.

Operating in Canada and the US
10 enterprise clients including Fortune 500 companies
0,5 M users

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