Transforming Workplace Safety with AI Assistant as a Safety Coach

July 9, 2024
December 14, 2022
2 Minute Read
Use Cases

About the Client

DTEK Energy's subsidiary, Pavlograd Coal, is a major force in Ukraine's coal mining and power production industries. In demanding mining settings, a team of 11,000 workers across ten mines had to guarantee workplace safety, compliance, and employee morale.

Problem Statement

The COVID-19 pandemic has made it more difficult for the client to comply with regulations on workplace safety, given the complex work settings employees had to negotiate regularly.

AI Solution

To transform safety training, created a Miner AI Safety Coach. With brief mobile training modules that streamlined scheduling and decreased the need for management engagement, this creative approach brought ongoing customization. Employees could complete these modules independently, going back and reviewing them as needed. Real-time progress tracking helped supervisors by enabling them to assign work depending on training outcomes.


·     lower number of health occurrences,

·     monthly savings of six hours for each employee,

·     boosted test results by 14%,

·     enhanced participation in safety training by 40%,

·     30% fewer workplace accidents,

·     enhanced adherence to safety protocols by 25%.


This case shows how AI can improve the effectiveness and engagement of traditional training techniques. The client increased safety and ensured better compliance with regulations by utilizing AI. Improved overall productivity and staff morale were among the indirect benefits, while considerable cost savings from fewer accidents and increased compliance were among the direct benefits. This project emphasizes how crucial industry preparation is. In particular, data readiness is vital since the business needs to ensure that all training materials are accurately digitized before implementing such AI automation. is a proven no-code platform that puts AI to work for your business.  We streamline all the operation processes including team coordination, customer interactions, and full corporate tech stack integrations.

Integration options:
Microsoft 365, Google Cloud, SAP, Oracle, Salesforce, and others.

Operating in Canada and the US
10 enterprise clients including Fortune 500 companies
0,5 M users

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